Shedding- the mitoXANDRIA

In order for any woman to grow she must shed every mindset that doesn’t fertilise her purpose. Shedding metaphorically describes transformation through the renewal of the mind. Similar to the taking off of dirty clothes, ridding yourself of practice…

In order for any woman to grow she must shed every mindset that doesn’t fertilise her purpose. Shedding metaphorically describes transformation through the renewal of the mind. Similar to the taking off of dirty clothes, ridding yourself of practices that harm your mental health is truly liberating. It is through these daunting processes of dealing with depression, insecurity or anxiety that we are able to blossom into the perfect and beautiful creations that we are called to be.

Xandria Stennett

Wah Gwan! My Name is Xandria Stennett and I'm a nineteen year-old Jamaican Visual Artist and writer currently pursuing a Bachelor in Fine Arts in Animation at the University of the West indies, Mona. I am passionate about telling stories that vividly communicate the flamboyance of the Caribbean lifestyle. My ultimate desire however is to develop a platform that inspires the unearthing of creativity in women and creates opportunities for them to build profitable careers in a male dominated creative industry.


I Am Woman.


A Jamaican Ode to the Spring Equinox